Education Opportunities

Educational Programs For YOU

We offer a large variety of educational programs. We can:

  • Speak to your club, your classroom or at your organization’s meeting
  • Present to a professional society where time would count as professional development hours
  • Bring the Water on Wheels mobile classroom to your event for an engaging learning experience
  • Offer hands-on learning through activities like Edible Aquifer in a Cup, 3D aquifer contaminant simulation, and water sampling
  • Lead hikes within the Memphis aquifer recharge area or to active research sites
  • Provide opportunities for industry employees to engage in environmental stewardship
  • Learn more about the Wolf River watershed through the Wolf River Conservancy

Following, learn more about many of these outreach opportunities!

water on wheels

WOW! Water on Wheels!

The WOW (Water On Wheels) mobile takes visitors on a water journey, covering topics on the Memphis aquifer, water conservation, watershed science, the water cycle and more! The program is tactile and engaging – great for learning.

For schools, instead of taking an off-site field trip, the WOW is a field trip that comes to your school at a fraction of the cost and time, in the form of a 24′ trailer that is a mini-museum. The program is best for 4th graders and aligns with Tennessee State Curriculum Standards.

Water Cycle Water On Wheels Wow Memphis
Water On Wheels Earth Day
Water On Wheels Virtual
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What is inside the Water on Wheels?

Inside the WOW, educational displays are colorful, interactive, and visually appealing. Because the source of tap water for the Mid-South is groundwater, one important display in the WOW spotlights the Memphis aquifer system, a vast underground resource with some of the cleanest water on Earth.

The WOW is available for viewing at schools and public events around Memphis, Shelby County, and the Mid-South. Its goal is to educate our community about the source of our tap water, the Memphis aquifer, and the importance of preserving and protecting the aquifer and its water.

Give your event a WOW factor!

The WOW is great for events like Earth Day, corporate events targeting the environment, and other venues.


Edible Aquifer in a Cup

CAESER offers other educational events such as Edible Aquifer in a Cup and observing contaminant movement within a physical 3D model.

Edible Aquifer in a Cup involves building an aquifer of ice (soil) and root beer (groundwater), sealing the aquifer with an ice cream confining layer (clay protection), building a shallow aquifer out of crushed cookies (sand and gravel), then pouring grenadine (contamination) to see how well you sealed the lower aquifer.

The 3D aquifer represents our local aquifer system that shows the interaction of water with a river/lake, movement of groundwater through different aquifers, and the transport of contamination by the groundwater.

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Local Field Trips

We also conduct field trips locally or at Pinecrest Presbyterian Retreat and Conference Center (Fayette County) to show groundwater-surface water interaction, measurement of groundwater from a well, water sampling/testing, hikes through the forest to see clay lenses and seeps, and much more!

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